Andrew and I recently bought Ripsticks, a skateboard like aparatus with only two wheels. The ripstick has two sections joined by a tube, in that tube is a metal bar that is flexible, when you ride it, you twist the two sections in opposite directions with your foot to get forward momentum. All you need to ride it is, a pair of good shoes, and a lot of balance! The ripstick is a fun way to pass time while burning off some energy! You can do all sorts of tricks on it, like an ollie, kickflip, etc, but we havent figured all that out yet...
Hay Evan this is sam and I gest started a blog the aderess is: http://samthesmithy.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteis the good balance a requirement? :) Because I have the shoes...and that looks wicked.
ReplyDeleteSo, shooting off of your not-so-ego-boosting comments today at church, what about inky as a replacement to the current nickname?
you see, it's all fair because your still kind of laughing at me, but it's the good kind of funny...the kind that I can take without wanting to give you a black eye.
just a thought.