Friday, September 25, 2009


I was on youtube and i saw this video and i had to put it on the blog.... maybe you think its dumb (BRIAN) or, like me, you can think its funny and have your laugh of the day.

another reason i put this on my blog, was because i felt God telling me it was like our walk with the Holy One.
we can save our life, savor it for last, and get more rewards in the end, (eternal life) or eat it all, enjoy the worlds pleasures NOW, and have no reward in the end.

plz comment......... i need comments............. : (


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nooooooo......... you cant get away with this! Where is my lawyer?~ the outcast

  3. LOL! That was cute:)
    Oh, it's easy to put the video's on.
    All you have to do is when you are watching a youtube video, if you look to the right hand side of the screen there will be two little long rectangle box things. One says "URL" and the other says "Embed". All you have to do is copy all the jibrish that's inside the one that says "Embed" and then paste it to your blog post. And then just publish your post. Does that make sense?
    Anyway that's how it's done:)

  4. (I replied to your comment on my blog, just so you know.)

  5. hmmm...good (honest), I agree with you -- this does represent the way we live our lives. But how do we apply this to life today?
    What better things are you holding out for? You don't have to answer this if you don't want's just that you have me thinking now :)

  6. well... theres always the prospect of ETERNAL LIFE....... maybe

  7. DUH. *rolls eyes*

    Sure. Eternal life is great, I'm not bashing it, but it's not really something I think about in day-to-day life. Do you spend time meditating on eternal life?!? If so, you seriously have way too much time on your hands :)

    And if you don't apply something to what you do in day-to-day life, or as a reality, what is it worth?


    So...I guess I was just asking myself how the idea of holding out for better things was applicable.

    somebody please get me off my soapbox...

  8. well, you could always hold out

    sorry, i guess i dont really know...

  9. SUPPER! LOL! aboslutely.

    I never hold out for supper. I just go ahead and grab some cookie dough....being the health freak that I am.

    random piece of ironic info: I went for a haircut today and it was...yeah, disappointing. I might just call in sick for bible study.

    you know how you said you needed comments? HA! be careful what you wish might never get me to shut up.

  10. ok, yeh, i can do cookie dough! well, about the hair, we could just both wear paper bags over our pitiful hairs! then we can paint big happy smilies on them even tho we might be frowning underneath..........

  11. I dare you to do that ;)

    But if you did, you'd have to come up with some really obscure excuse...

  12. MJ, I'm with Evan, about how the gospel relates to everyday life. Maybe not in the context of ETERNAL LIFE. I'm not continually thinking about Eternal Life. (For some reason I feel like I need to capitalize that.) But I DO think, on a day-to-day basis, "how does the Gospel intersect with this situation?" So if the Gospel is Good News, (which includes, but is not limited to Eternal Life), then that does apply to everyday... including the decisions we make everyday that reflect that good news we've received. I make choices to hold out for some things because of the HOPE I have that there will come a reward for that, and if Hope comes from Good News (= Gospel) then I think Evan's got a point...

    I don't know if this made much sense or if the logic of my thoughts somehow got lost :)

  13. Thanx marmilade. that didnt make much sence, but you said i had a point! lol. hows skool?
